"L'AMITIE est L'AMOUR sans ailes !!"

"L'EGOISME est le poison de L''AMITIE"


A strange experience

Sometimes the right thing to do is to take that irreversible step, the one after which you cannot go back…
Dear God, give me that strength to never regret what once made me smile even if it’s hurting me now.
It stills a wonderful memory that I will never relive, a smile that it will never come back…
Dear God, let your light shines in the deepest corner of my heart where darkness is killing me day after day,
just to feel how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends having everyone his special effect on me…
his effect that’s changing every little wrong thing in me…

A friend shows me what is FEELING, and how strong this word could be. How it could be shown without any word,
just by silence’s mystery, by a simple hug, a simple deep eye contact!!
She shows me that walls are built to be broken not by myself, but by the ones who really cares with everything in him…
the one who will do anything just to be near, to be close…
This one shows me what it means to let someone in, to see the side of me that no one does or ever will without any
effort from me, just because she cares…
She healed my pain…Answers all the questions in my mind without any answer…Feels every second in my life being
so far away by distance…Knows me more than myself could ever know and still loves me without any regret, any fear…
How can I realize that this angel could be a friend…How could a word describes a part of you?!…A part that will never
walk away without leaving a huge emptiness in the deep of your spirit?!
This one, can I name it friend…But I can feel it as a power…As a strong anonymous feeling…As a deep trust that will
never be broken…

I just can’t describe what’s living inside me and growing up each day… It’s such a deep ocean of sleeping words becoming
insignificant when they’ll wake up… It’s just a storm reaching peace with a simple long concentrated look… A hiding tears
with every goodbye, a biggest fear with every hug…

by chrystel nouar